Was Bhutto a Secular Person?

Very often it is claimed that Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was a secular person. It is completely wrong. Even the information of Benazir Bhutto about her father was not correct. He was far from being a secular person, at least in his concepts. Here is a passage from his book “The Myth of Freedom”. It shows how did he look at his faith:
"What was more important was the fact that the Muslims were not barbarians at a low level of culture who would consider admission to the Hindu fold as promotion. On the contrary, not only were they themselves the creator and defenders of a new and aggressive culture, they had a fanatical conviction of its superiority to all others, and thought it was their duty to propagate it even by force. Their religion did, in fact, make this one of the essential, though optional duties of a Muslim. They were the first people in history to put forward the idea of an irreconcilable conflict between a particular way of life and all others, and to formulate a theory of permanent revolution. There could be no peace on earth, they declared, until the whole world was converted to their faith." (The Myth of Freedom; Chapter: The Origins of Dispute with India; p 167)
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