Pakistani Media Is Using Hidustani Instead of Urdu

Urdu is one of the most important elements of the culture of the Muslims of Indian subcontinent. That is why Quaid-e-Azam declared Urdu as the national language of Pakistan. As, unfortunately, in last 62 years, we failed to emerge as a living society, we became a victim of severe inferiority complex. It compels us to copy others blindly, just to try to raise our self esteem. Our electronic Urdu media is doing the same these days. Instead of speaking Urdu, the people in Urdu media are using Hindustani, just to copy Indian media. Hindustani is an inferior language and not a standard language, contrary to Hindi and Urdu. It is used for low level everyday communication. The following table shows that how Hindustani is replacing Urdu in our media: I wish that we should come out of this inferiority complex, and should start living as a nation which has confidence in herself. One thing is important to clarify here. By no means I am against evolution of Urdu, through positive interaction...